Title change + android version

When I first started working on early concepts for the game, I quickly decided on the title 'First Harvest' on a whim. It seemed fitting at the time, evocative enough and summed up one of the core ideas to the project. While it still does, it might have been a good idea doing some research first. As it turns out, the phrase has been used for quite an array of different projects, not to speak of similar sounding ones. While the fact alone might not have been that much of an issue (I've yet to discover a game with the exact same title), it was enough to make me think about finding a more unique title.

I did not make this decision lightly, since there's always some risk involved in changing the name of an already advertised for project mid development (and to be honest, I've also grown  bit attached to the title over the time working on the game), but i think it will be worth it in the long run. And what's in a name, in the end?

So farewell 'First Harvest', welcome 'When the Stars Come Down on Us' (or 'When the Stars' for short). Hope you like it, I sure do. :3

On other news, for everyone who would have preferred playing the demo on the phone, as of now there's finally a mobile version available, too. (Android only for now, since I've got no means of testing the game on iOS for the time being.)

Let me know what you think about the new title and if you encounter any trouble with the mobile version of the demo.

P.S.: There's also a new website for the game online now, where you can find some more screenshots, a few of them already from the full game.

Official Discord channel for feedback or just staying updated: https://discord.gg/kSeka7U


whenthestars_0.2.7.zip 57 MB
Feb 06, 2020
whenthestars_0.2.7_32bit.zip 55 MB
Feb 05, 2020
whenthestars_0.2.7.app.zip 57 MB
Feb 05, 2020
When the Stars (Demo) 0.2.7 - Android 65 MB
Feb 06, 2020

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While maybe a bit wordy to some, I find that it adds a bit of mystique, and so fits quite well in the mold of things.