Support Options & Merchandise

Hey everyone!

Since I first presented the first demo about a year ago (which still looked quite different then) there has been some interest in an option to support the development of the game. I've been specificially asked on several occasions, if I would set up a Patreon at some point.

I've been stating a few times, that I'm planning to do so eventually, and it's inspiring to see that there's continued interest in supporting the game this way. I've been thinking for a while what would work best with the way the game progresses, and for the time being it's hard to predict how long it will take between updates. Given that Patreon requires a certain monthly regularity, I don't want to disappoint any supporters with delays, which almost certainly will be happening (and also, since I'm working on the game as a single developer beside my day job, I don't want to create additional pressure with more deadlines).

If you want to support the game, I've set up a Ko-fi account instead, so you can choose yourself how much and how often you like to support, without a monthly subscription required.

In other news, I've also opened an online shop over at Redbubble. For now you can find some prints and merchandise of my regular art, but I'll continue to add more items related to the game over the next days, so drop by and take a look.

Thanks for staying around! :3


When the Stars (Demo) 0.2.9 - Android 78 MB
Aug 21, 2020
When the Stars (Demo) 0.2.9 - macOS 75 MB
Aug 21, 2020
When the Stars (Early Prototype Demo - Discontinued) 72 MB
Aug 21, 2020

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