Just uploaded a small update ... (build 0.2.4)

Hey folks!

Just a quick heads up that Build 0.2.4 is online now. (Warning: Please don't use this one anymore, this build contains a bug that will make the game crash at a certain point. Please redownload the updated version, if you already downloaded this one.)

Since the launch of the demo two tweeks ago, there has been a tiny bit of feedback and I finally got around to take on one thing or the other. Altogether it's more like a couple of smaller changes to make usability a bit more fluent. One big part was implementing keyboard shortcuts for the most used core mechanics and remapping the already existing ones so they are more in line now with other narrative driven games (I hear you, guys). You can look them up in the newly added Controls Menu at the game's start screen.

Also made some minor adjustments of the dialogue boxes to make for a more consistent look and prevent them from obscuring background elements. Plus, I added a much needed visual cue for the second (real) photospot at the beach scene, sonce that one was easy to miss if you didn't know where to look.

You can find the full changelog at the official First Harvest Discord channel. This is also where you can post feedback, general questions about the game or report bugs, if you come across any (which wouldn't surprise me). Don't be shy, it's free. :3

Official Discord channel: https://discord.gg/kSeka7U

Want to contact me directly instead? Check here.


fh_demo_0.2.4.zip 84 MB
Dec 08, 2019

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