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Hi, I really enjoyed the game on my first playthrough only a couple weeks ago before the update. However, It doesnt load my previous save.

Hey! Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the game so far. As for your problem with the savegame, unfortunately he savesystem is quite sensitive to changes in the game engine, and the last update changed a lot (it's as much a rework as an update). This means that saves from older version aren't compatible with the updated version and won't work anymore. So you'll have to start from the beginning and skip ahead or use the fast forward function. Although I'd still recommend to replay the beginning, since with the new update the introductory scenes also have changed quite a bit.


Boy oh boy, I am SO exicited for this project! Everything lookin interesting and looking very good... and for some reason, I also feel a sense nostalgia when playing this game... the style, the effect, the atmosphere, everything just hit it home for me, kudos to the creator I wish you the best of luck on this... as I will be patiently waiting for more :3

Whoah! You are alive!


Good news! Thank you! 

Just out of curiosity, but is the game continuing and has it been abandoned?

Thanks for asking, I've stated it several times in the comments, and there's a notice regarding the status of the game right here on the game's page, but in short: Yes, the game is still continuing and has not been cancelled. Actually, I should have the next update (which is more like a relaunch) finished quite soon.

It's been more than 3 years into this project. Thank you for holding up for so long.

(2 edits)

I guess I'm just too stubborn to not to continue. ;3 On a side note, the next update should literally be around the corner. Thanks for still staying around!

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